Dr Pablo Fuentealba González is a Postdoctoral Research in the Department of Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering at the University of South Florida. His research experiences has been mainly focused on the antigen production for the vaccines formulation in the aquaculture sector, using metabolic engineering as a tool to improve the bioprocesses. He has developed his research in the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Concepción and also in the company Abbott. His main contributions have been to carry out the first genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of P. salmonis and the development of a culture technology for the production of this microorganism.
Pablo Fuentealba Gonzalez
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering
University of South Florida
ENB 376 | 4202 E Fowler Ave | Tampa, FL 33620